1. Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs
The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs is the oldest Hawaiian community-based grass roots organization founded in 1918 by Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana’ole, Delegate to the United States House of Representative. It is a confederation of fifty-two (52) Hawaiian Civic Clubs located throughout the State of Hawai`i and in the States of Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, Washington State and Tennessee. The Association is governed by a 16-member Board of Directors and maintains a strong voice at city, state and federal levels. The leader in advocating for improved welfare of native Hawaiians in culture, health, economic development, education, social welfare, and nationhood, the Association is also responsible for perpetuating and preserving language, history, music, dance and other cultural traditions.
The Associations’ vision is to remain a recognized voice of the Native Hawaiian people and make the organization self-sustaining. Their mission is to serve with pono in advocacy of culture, health, economic development, education, social welfare and nationhood.Visit them at www.aohcc.org.
2. Mainland Council
Ho’omana’o I Ka W’ I Hala… He Kumu No Ka Wa E Hiki Mai Ana, Honoring Our Past… Is The Foundation For The Future. The Mainland Council continues to Preserve and Perpetuate the Hawaiian culture, by honoring our past.3. Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
Founded in 2001, the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement is a national member based non-profit dedicated to capacity building and community development programming in Native communities in Hawaii and the Pacific. CNHA is one of the largest national organizations serving Native Hawaiians headquartered in Hawaii. Its membership consists of over 150 organizations and agencies working with and serving Native populations.
CNHA has expertise in community development technical assistance and training, communications and consulting, public policy initiatives and the coordination of events and conferences.Visit them at www.hawaiiancouncil.org.
4. Hawai’i’s Daughters Guild
The Hawai`i’s Daughters Guild was formed to promote and further retain the culture of the Hawaiian race through the development and practice of the distinctive Hawaiian crafts and talents handed down for generations. And, through their scholarship program, their mission is to help further the education of deserving women of Polynesian ancestry.
Visit them at www.hiccsc.org
5. Aloha World Internet:
AlohaWorld is the internet home especially designed for Hawaiians living on the mainland & Hawaiians-at- heart worldwide.
Visit them at www.alohaworld.com.Site by thrivecreativegroup.com